I'm having fun with this.
It's been awhile since i've posted anything and there's so much to talk about.
But first.. i'm sure you've heard so far that i'm going to be working with Top Cow on Velocity.
I had never even heard of the character until someone told me that she was a part of Cyber-Force.
I know!!
Where have i been?
So when i was approached by Rob Levin at Top Cow and was told I would be paired with Joe Casey...
you feelin' me...!
Like a cold frozen Watermelon smoothie on a hot day.
So as i'm nearing the end of my run with BIG CITY, i'll be jumping on TOP COW.
Sounds like a code from my handler.
But as you can see, i've already started dreaming up a little bit of an upgrade for our fast heroine.
That's the woman and not the drug.
Although i can only hope you'll be addicted with what Joe and I create.
All colorwork on the character studies are being done by Snakebite...colorist whose won many awards for his work on The Red Star.
So enjoy the work i've put up so far. I 've made great strides with this character already and I'll be ready for more. It seems i'm getting ready to do a ton of work back in the States again.
and as usual... click in the lavenduh, baby.
Can't wait to see a sketch of her running.
Really impressive so far, you're doing very well with the hair, can be very useful in dynamic sequence!
Good luck!
Will do, Geoffo!! I'm glad you get the idea about the hair. Everyone i've talked to wants it short, but you get it. Hope you like the project.
looks awesome man! love the costume design :)
Dear Chriscross,
Cyberforce was the comic that got me into the comic books and that was more than 14 years ago. Then I came across your work on Captain Marvel too. Good times. Then stuff changed and I've stopped buying comics. Change in taste perhaps?
You sir, have changed all that! Thanks to your wow wow wow art, I am headin back in, starting with velocity.
Dear Chriscross
topcow broke my heart when they cancelled the velocity series before it could even get out of the gate.
i just read that the first issue was actually completed but not published.
any chance you can put/sell it on your website as a pdf
i would really really love to see it
Thanks for writing thiss
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